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Monday, December 19, 2011


Great Grandma Borchers' Lebkuchen

Lebkuchen is a traditional German Christmas treat that reminds many of gingerbread.  This recipe is more of a cake version of Lebkuchen with basic ingredients ground very fine as to almost hide the nuts and citron that blends all of the flavors to create a taste true to this variety of treat.   The flavor is a combination of brown sugar, allspice, citron, and walnuts.  

German bakers have been and continue to be rather industrious and talented with sweets.  Rather than simply making sweet treats out of sugar, vanilla, or chocolate (which is all great), they incorporate various spices and flavors that may seem rather unconventional in the U.S. but test and delight the palate of adults and children alike. 

This particular recipe is likely over 100 years old and was brought from Germany in the late 1800s and probably modified based on available ingredients from Missouri to Nebraska to Napa, California.  Enjoy my German family's traditional treat.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays!

Preheat Oven - 350 degrees
Cooking time - 30-35 minutes
-1-1/2 c. flour
-2 tsp. cinnamon
-1/4 tsp. allspice
-4 eggs
-1 lb. of brown sugar
-2 oz. finely ground citron
-1/2 c. finely ground walnuts

Cream together eggs and brown sugar.  Grind citron and walnut and mix them together.  Dash some flour on the citron to separate it and make it easier to mix in with the walnuts.  Add remaining ingredients and mix well.  Pour into a lightly greased 17"x 11"x1" pan.

-1 c. powdered sugar
-2 T. hot water

Spread the frosting on while the Lebkuchen is hot out of the oven.  This is more of a runny glaze that will dry on the treat as it cools.  Cut into squares right away.

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