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Thursday, June 13, 2024

2024 and My Genealogy

It has been a really long time since I posted about my family tree. That said, I may not post more but have resurrected my previous posts, at least most of them. 

Friday, January 15, 2021

Rohman Rohmann Family Tree Lead

I was recently able to make contact with someone on my Rohman side of the family via a DNA match on Ancestry. The last name of the person gave it away. We did determine how we are connected. He said he really didn't know much and isn't really into his family tree at this point. He said that could change. He did ask a relative on his Rohman side where they were from in Germany. They originate in Bavaria.

Bavaria is something to go on but not as much as I'd hoped. Bavaria is a province/state within present-day Germany. It was part of Prussia by 1871 but retained its kingdom title. It was mostly Catholic unlike the northern part of present-day Germany which was Lutheran. That makes sense since the Rohman's appear to be Catholic. On my mom's side, my German ancestors are from the northwestern part of Germany between Hannover and the border of the Netherlands. They were all Lutheran (Evangelicals).

In finding out this information, I asked if there was more. I shared the following in hopes that maybe there will be more. I am posting here too since who knows if someone will read this someday and be interested in connecting to dots.

My great grandmother was Mary Elizabeth Rohman, b. 20 Nov. 1878, New York City. Her actual birth record says she was born at 240 Delancy Street. Her husband was Francis Joseph McGuire. They married but he eventually took off on the family. Mary raised her 4 children pretty much on her own. Her children were Francis Robert McGuire (b. 1908 - My grandfather), John McGuire, Cecilia McGuire, and Marion McGuire. Each got married but the girls never had children. My grandfather was a commercial artist for Paramount Pictures in New York City and he and his family lived on Long Island in Franklin Square. John McGuire moved his family to New Jersey. They lived in East Keansburg/Middletown down near the shore. I have spent time in Franklin Square and visited New Jersey. I never met my great grandmother. She passed well before I was born. In her later years, she seemed to make the rounds to live with each of her children. My dad knew her and said she lived with them off and on. I have a photo of her on Ancestry associated with her profile. She apparently had Parkinson's disease and shook like a leaf in her later years. She died of colon/stomach cancer. The information that I have about her is sparse and kind of sad.

My grandmother (Josephine) was not a huge fan of her mother-in-law, Mary E. Rohman McGuire. Mary's husband (Francis Joseph McGuire) took off on the family and was an alcoholic. My uncle says that there were so many secrets kept on that side of the family that no one knows really the story. I am interested in finding out more information even if it casts an ugly shadow on things. Mary's parents were Joseph Rohman and Frances L. (the L. is a mystery and I've seen the full name transcribed at least 5 different ways - Lakervine, Luchwurm, and a few others). Her siblings were Joseph, Rosina/Rose, and John Francis. There could be more siblings but back then sometimes babies/kids didn't make it. I've found conflicting information about my Rohman side.

My Irish side of the family never admitted that the Rohman's were of German descent. I will stop right there on that subject of ethnic difference for now. My granddad did say that there is apparently a "Dutchman from Louisiana" in there somewhere on that side of the family. Was that just a rumor or exaggeration that he was told? I'm sure there is a story there and may not show people in the greatest light but I am interested. What we have discovered over the years is that colon cancer runs in that line. From a health perspective that is somewhat helpful for the younger generation to know for preventive measures.

I'm not sure if I will hear back or if there is any additional information to glean. Who knows.