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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Anniversary.....or rather.....Blogiversary - First Year!

It is hard to believe that I've hit my first anniversary of my blog.  That's a full year under my belt.  What I've liked best is connecting with others regarding my family tree or even just to discuss the basic principles of tracing one's ancestors.  There is a bit of a science to the process of creating your family tree.

I continue to find my skills developing as an amateur genealogist.  My favorite part about creating my tree are "discoveries".  The elation of a new discovery is quite satisfying.  Whether it is a record the helps me push further back in time or just a photo of my great grandparents, it does not get much better than discovering your roots.  Remember, a photo is worth a thousand words.

What have I liked the least about this is the "wait".  Yes, I have grown to realize over the past year that researching a family tree does not happen overnight.  It is not even close to overnight.  I have mustered up some patience and it has paid off.  Also, I keep "irons in the fire" on's and Genforum's Message Boards.  By keeping my posts fresh and updated, information eventually rolls in.

So, will I make it another year?  That is my plan.  I have more information to post to my blog.....this online diary.....a repository for the future generations.....a way to network and share with others.

Happy Anniversary to Mine, Yours', and the Other Guy's Genealogy!


  1. Congratulations, and Happy Blogiversary!

  2. Happy Blogiversary! Looking forward to reading it for another year!

  3. Thank you all! This is motivation to write more for sure. Heather, your blog inspires me! Thanks!
